Sunday 18 January 2009

"A Long Man" Kwan Lo Mee (Dry Noodle)

Recently had been feeling rather nostalgic, perhaps Chinese New Year is just around the corner, and me, yes me announcing not going back to Malaysia/Singapore this Ox year....
Even my recent dishes in a way has been linked to my growing up years in little village of Pekan Gurney ( named after Sir Henry Gurney as my dad told me) , after all Malaysia used to be under British ruling.
Once in awhile I will miss the food I grew up with in this little village. Tonite, I'm making dry noodle(kwan Lo Mee) , one of my favorite meal for anytime of the day-be it for breakfast, lunch or dinner. One of my favorite noodle stall back home is "A Long Man" noodle stall. The reason for this nickname is that the original owner is a very tall man. This stall has been passed down through few generations. For my family , it's been 4 th generations that we had eaten there.

Secret to nice Kwan Lo Mee : pork fats, and the usage of minced garlic in rice vinegar that make "A Long Man" dry noodle uniquely his :-) .

Minced garlic in rice vinegar

A Long Man Kwan Lo Mee
Ingredients (serves 2)

  • 150 gm fresh egg noodles
  • some char siew pork (roast pork)
  • some book choy
  • some spring onion for garnishing
  • 1 tbsp soya sauce
  • 1 tsp pork lard
  • 1 tsp sesame
  • 1/2 tbsp black soya sauce
  • 1 tbsp premium oyster sauce
  • 1 tsp minced garlic vinegar ( 5 cloves of minced garlic in 1 tbsp rice vinegar-let it pickled overnite)
  • 1 tbsp char siew gravy
  1. In a plate, add the sauce ingredients and mixed well.
  2. In a pot, boil some water, once water boiling, throw the noodle in, use a chopstick to stir so that noodle will not clump together. Once cooked the noodle will float. Remove the noodle and run it under cold running tap water. This will ensure the noodle will be springy.
  3. Once water is boiling again, put in the noodle back again to re-cook.
  4. Once cooked, drained, and put the noodle into the sauce and mixed well.
  5. Garnish with spring onion, bok choy and char siew pork.


  1. hmmm. very educational. I see that Henry Gurney was shot by Malayan communists in 1951, and Pekan Gurnay is a relatively new town started in 1952...

  2. I remember 'ah lohg man' noodles! RM1 fed all 3 of us last time. My mom makes great egg noodles. You might want to ask her for recipe. :)

  3. If you must know the Malaya communist leader during the 40s hails from a town nearby-Sitiawan.

  4. Hi Fen, glad that you still remembered. It's your dad favorite stall too in when you guys back for holiday :-) . Nostalgic aye.
