Friday 2 October 2009

Foochow Red Wine Chicken

As the weather is getting cooler, officially we're in autumn now, gosh how time flies, it's October now. So I'm yearning for revitalizing and warmth food for the cooler evening/nites, at least to be warm before I turn on the heater comes winter. Still remember the Foochow red glutinous rice wine that my mum made in my previous post? Typically we use the wine to cook the fame Foochow Red Wine Chicken serve with longevity noodle (mian xian). As a Foochow, this is the signature dish that we grew up with.

Foochow Red Wine Chicken with longevity noodle
  • Half free range chicken (kampung chicken is the best)
  • 1 cup of Ang Chiew (red wine)
  • 1 tbsp of Ang Zhao (red wine sediment)
  • 80-100 gm of ginger-julienned
  • 3 tbsp of sesame oil
  • salt to taste
  • 1/2 tbsp of sugar
  • 1 litre of water
  • 3 bunches of longevity noodle (if you can find the Sitiawan mian xian-they taste really good)
  1. Cut the chicken into bite size. Marinate it with the ang zhao, leave it for 30minutes or so.
  2. In a wok, heat up the sesame oil. Once it is smoky, throw in the julienned ginger and stir fry till fragance. I love this aroma.
  3. Then pour in the chicken and stir fry continuosly till slightly cook. Add in the and chiew and stir fry again. Add in the salt and sugar and continue to stir fry for a minute or so. Pour in the water and close with a lid. Let it simmer for 10-15minutes till cook.
  4. While the dish is simmering, prepare a pot and boil some water to cook the longevity noodle. When it is boiling, add in the noodle and let it cook on high heat. Remember to use a chopstick to stir the noodle so that it doesn't stick together during the cooking process. Once the noodle is cook, it will float. Drained. In a bowl, place the noodle and laddle some red wine chicken and soup onto it.
  5. Serve while it's still piping hot.
I'm enjoying this dish :-)


  1. i always write as Fookchow.
    wow redwine misua - my favourite.


  2. Hi Moi,

    It's Foochow or Hockchiew :-)
    Yes my comfort food during autumn and winter. :-)
    Stay tune for my gor roo (perut ikan) recipes. :-)

  3. my mum is a foochow so i ate these
    during my confinement period and i
    really love it i am looking for the
    receipe for making red wine....

  4. Hi Susie,

    Thanks for visiting my blog. My mum make them in small batch for me. The recipes for making the rice wine is in my blog as well. I find that the fermentation in colder climate country takes longer compared to hot humid country. However take note that the main important thing to have a good wine is that all ultensils you used to make wine must be clean and dry.

  5. Hi Christ,

    i wud like to see the red wine receipe n wud like to try also thx
    I like your blog very much i
    enjoy a lot reading your blog.

  6. Hi Susie,

    Here's the recipes


  7. Hi Christ,

    Thx for your receipe. i will try
