Friday 18 December 2009

First major snowfall

The snow did arrive in large quantity in Cambridgeshire and is going to do so over the weekend. As the weather still struggling to go above freezing point, we've a really crisp winter morning. Imagine having a blanket of white all over, almost picture perfect of wintry scenery. I did take some shot in my village and did go to Cambridge city to get some nice shot....and mucking around in the snow of course. Enjoy the picture...... I really hope we'll have a white Christmas....finger crossed. :-)

View from St. John college
Got hit by a snowball
Doing the angel act
Brave soul still punting along River Cam
St. John college
Icicle on a conifer
View from my village green
Lovely white scenery around my area
Holly Berry
My front garden carpeted in white


  1. Your photography skill has certainly improved! Can rival Perry already...

    At the mention of winter, Adelle will talk about England and about going to England to see Aunty Ling-Ling. Hee! Hee!

  2. Ann,

    How you wish it was snowing last year?


  3. Fen,

    It's the camera :-)
    By the way if you're in Kent last week, you probably will be hard hit by heavy snow fall.
    You guys are most welcome to visit me, next year? :-)
