Saturday 23 January 2010

Comforting Mushroom Soup

At times, I'm busy with other stuff that I will try to make simple dish in a jiffy. Here is one good example, this mushroom soup is fulfilling and comforting for a cold winter day and it's so easily made. I don't buy Campbell Mushroom Soup any longer since I discover the fuss free homemade mushroom soup making . Homemade fresh mushroom soup is so flavorful and fresh. Moreover, mushrooms are brimming with protein, Vit B and minerals. They're low in calories and may have antibacterial substances to help the body. This soup can be incorporated as a starter as well.

Mushroom Soup
Ingredients (serve 4-5 persons)
  • 500 gm closed cup mushroom- chopped
  • 800-1000 ml of vegetable/chicken stock (if you want thicker soup use less stock)
  • 1 big onion-chopped
  • 2 cloves of garlic-finely chopped
  • 90 gm butter
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 2 tbsp plain flour
  • 1/2 cup single cream
  • salt & pepper to taste
  1. Heat a pan, once hot, melt the butter, add in chopped onion and garlic. Turn to medium heat to sweat the onion and garlic till soft. It takes approximately five minutes.
  2. Add in the chopped mushroom and cook for about 3-5 minutes. Add in the flour to coat well the mushroom, continue to stir. Then add in the stock and throw in the bay leaf.
  3. Bring it to small boil and let it simmer for further 10minutes. Remove the bay leaf thereafter. Use a hand blender to blend to your require consistency.
  4. Off the heat. Add in the cream and stir. Serve hot with some bread. Drizzle some cream over the soup to garnish. Add your salt and pepper to your taste.
This soup can be kept in container in the fridge and kept well over one week. You can heat up when required. Warming winter soup......


  1. downright comforting mush soup :)

  2. Hi Adel,

    Indeed lovely, simple and hearty meal.
    See you soon in Dub :-)
